Pakistan Occupational Hygiene Association – POHA

The Pakistan Occupational Hygiene Association was established in 2012 and is the peak organisation representing professionals working in occupational hygiene in Pakistan. Membership of POHA is open to both professional occupational hygienists and to those with an interest in worker health protection and a healthier work environment. It is the largest organisation representing occupational hygienists with over a 1500 members.

The POHA is an group member of Pakistan Safety Council – PSC

Our Vision & Mission

Our vision is for a safe  & healthy workplace. Our mission, in working toward the achievement of this vision, is to:

Raise the profile of the profession of occupational hygiene;
Influence government and industry to create healthy workplaces; and
Improve the practice of occupational hygiene, and the knowledge, competence and standing of its practitioners.

POHA Director: Muhammad Ali Mirza – EMPSC